کتاب Private Equity Transforming Public Stock to Create Value

نوع فایل : Pdf

حجم فایل :  ۲.۱۵ MB

نویسنده : Professor Harold Bierman

منبع فایل : دانلود سنتر تخصصی حسابداری

رمز فایل : www.accfile.com

Private Equity Transforming Public Stock to Create Value


.public corporations have many different types of investors, each type having a different financial objective. The primary objective of private equity is that the stockholders are likely to have similar financial objectives and it is much easier for the corporation’s financial strategies to be consistent with these objectives. Private equity frequently is associated with a leveraged buyout.
The equity ownership of a public corporation is changed to equity that is not traded in a public market. There are significant financial advantages and there are also operational advantages. For example, management frequently becomes an owner of a significant amount of the equity and thus the interests of management and the owners become more convergent. Most importantly, the common stockholders can directly and effectively affect the corporate financial decisions.
The concepts of this book are important to investors interested in increasing their rates of return on their investments, without increasing their risk and to management interested in supplementing their wages with a significant share of the firm’s profitability.


Professor Harold Bierman


Professor Bierman’s interests are in investment and corporate financial-policy decisions. He has consulted for many public organizations and industrial firms and is the author of more than 150 books and articles in the fields of accounting, finance, investment, taxation, and quantitative analysis. In 1985 he was named the winner of the prestigious Dow Jones Award of the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business for his outstanding contributions to collegiate management education.


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