کتاب چرخه حسابداری – The Accounting Cycle

نوع فایل : Pdf

حجم فایل : ۴.۶۰ MB

نویسنده : Larry M. Walther; Christopher J. Skousen

منبع فایل : دانلود سنتر تخصصی حسابداری

رمز فایل : www.accfile.com

The Accounting Cycle

This book is the first of seven books which introduces the basic principles of accounting. It introduces accounting, the fundamental accounting equation, and four core financial statements. Students will learn the basics of accounting, such as debits and credits, the journal, and trial balance, income measurement, revenue and expense recognition, and the reporting cycle. With a foundation in these basics of accounting readers are introduced to financial statement preparation, the accounting cycle, closing entries, classified balance sheets, the importance of business liquidity, and the concept of the operating cycle


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